3 Things Your Skin Needs to Reverse Signs of Aging

by | Jul 23, 2020 | Anti Aging, Skin Care

There are a million things we can do to care for our health, which in turns will help to slow the hands of time , but there are three proven things that we can do to our skin to not only slow, but reverse the signs of aging.

I’m going to keep this short and sweet, because I know how annoying it is to go to a blog post for answers and not be easily able to find the information you’re looking for. Here’s the good stuff without all the fluff.

Always remember to be a skincare ACE.

Vitamin A – This is your retinol or Retin A. There is often confusion around this, so let me make it super simple. Retinol is the much weaker version of Retin-A (also called Tretinoin) You can find Retinol products over the counter at drug stores and major department stores. My favorite over the counter retinol is CereVe Skin Renewing Retinol Serum. If you want the big guns of Vitamin A, which I recommend, you’ll need a prescription from a doctor, or use an online service like Curology.com. (I use this service and it’s awesome!)

Vitamin C – The benefits of vitamin C are incredible!! When I first introduce a good quality Vitamin C serum into my skin care regimen, I noticed visible brightness of my skin in just two weeks. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, meaning it protects skin cells from damaging free radicals caused by pollutants, and UV exposure. It also inhibits melanin production in the skin, which helps to lighten hyperpigmentation and brown spots, even out skin tone, and enhance skin radiance. There are tons of vitamin C serums on the market; you definitely want one in the form of L Ascorbic Acid. My favorite is Timeless 20% Vitmain C Serum.

Vitamin E – Vitamin E is a nutrient your body needs to support your immune system and help your cells to regenerate. It also has wonderful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which is wonderful for your skin and body. Vitamin E helps support cell function, and skin health. It’s a rich antioxidant, making it effective at combating the effects of free radicals produced by the metabolism of food and toxins in the environment. Vitamin E may also be beneficial at reducing UV damage to skin. We can find Vitamin E in foods such as vegetable oils, nuts, seeds and green leafy vegetables. You can also find Vitamin E in a number of skin care serums. I’m using it in the Timeless 20% Vitamin C Serum which also contains vitamin E and Ferulic Acid. There are many high priced serums that offer C, E and Ferulic Acid, which I’ve used. Honestly, the ingredients are almost identical in the lesser expensive options. I find you often pay more for the same ingredients depending on the brand name. Good ingredients are good ingredients, the label of medical grade doesn’t change that.


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