I first heard about bio identical hormones years ago watching an interview with Susan Sommers. Although interested, I didn’t realize how important bio identical hormones would become in my own life. Like most women, I’d been programmed to believe that hormone replacement carries a high risk of breast cancer. Considering my Mother is a breast cancer survivor, and I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in my twenties, I couldn’t imagine taking that risk. (See interview video below)
This is where my obsession with research came into play. All my life I struggled with extremely heavy periods. Finally, after becoming iron deficient as a result, I decided to have a uterine ablation. While getting the pre op for that procedure it was discovered that I had precancerous cells lining my uterus. The recommendation was a complete hysterectomy, including ovaries. I would be fast tracked into menopause.
Although I had already studied bio identical hormones to some degree, I threw myself into learning as much as I could about hormones and what their exact function is our health and wellness. Meeting Karen from Essential Health LLC in Madison, Wisconsin was a huge part of me reclaiming my hormonal balance and wellness after a complete hysterectomy. I hope you enjoy the video. She’s a brilliant woman with so much knowledge to share.
Hugs & Love,