DIY Professional RF Microneedling

I’m truly excited to share this device with you all, how it can improve your skin and save you money over comparable in office treatments. Depending on where you live, one in office treatment can pay for this professional quality device and allow you to do...

Benefits & Risks of Radio Frequency

Radio frequency has been a modality for skin tightening and collagen building that I’ve used for many years. There are so many RF devices on the market; it’s hard to know where to start when buying an RF device. In this post and the video included,...


Hey friends. In today’s live chat I we reviewed some affordable skincare option available at the drugstore that perform just as well as medical grade skincare. Don’t be fooled, the ingredients are the same, it’s the packaging, name, and product...

Fabulously Affordable Microneedling Skin Boosters

I’ve said this before, and I completely stand behind it! If I could only have one skincare device for the rest of my life, it would be my Dr Pen M8. Microneedling is such a safe, easy, and effective way to rejuvenate the skin. The benefits include collagen...

How to Improve Skin Texture & Radiance

I get asked almost every day if there are affordable ways to improve skin texture and radiance. Although this is a concern across all age groups, it becomes more of a concern as we age. As cellular turnover of the skin slows through our lifetime, the skin has a...