These are the PN (Salmon Sperm) Products I Use and Love

The benefits of PN treatments have been well documented. Although this treatments seems relatively new in the United States, the use of purified salmon sperm (also referred to as salmon DNA) has been used in Korea for many years. As I’ve mentioned in past videos, Korea is way ahead of the United States in terms of skincare and facial rejuvenation. The treatments and technology they use generally doesn’t become widely used in the States for years, or even a decade after it’s been used in Korea.

Benefits of PN – Salmon DNA

Wrinkle reduction

Improved skin hydration

Improved skin texture

Reduced skin inflammation

Scar Reduction

Improved Collagen Production

Improved elasticity

Improvement and protection from Sun Damage

How to use Salmon DNA (PN) Skin Boosters?

These high quality skin boosters can be used through mesotherapy or microneedling. For best results a series of 3 monthly treatments followed by quarterly treatments to maintain results are recommended. I personally find best results when I perform serial mesotherapy on my skin followed immediately by microneedling. However, this is just my personal preference. Great results can be seen through microneedling alone. You can find many of my video tutorials free at

The PN Skin boosters I use and love are from discount code STACY10. There is something for every budget. My favorite is the Rejuran Healer Black Box. This is an incredibly popular treatment in Korea. I find I get my best results with the Rejuran Healer, however it is a bit pricey compared to Elaxen PN and Regenovue PN. All of these options are high quality PN Skin Boosters. The key to success is consistency. You’ll see results after the first treatment, but the results are definitely enhanced by doing these treatments on a regular basis.

Rejuran Healer Black Box $267

Elaxen PN $100

Regenovue PN $70

Both Mesotherapy and Microneedling are safe and relatively easy treatments to do at home if you don’t mind taking some time to watch a few tutorials with a focus on safety and sanitation. You also have to be willing to poke your face a little bit, but the results and savings over having this done in a med spa are tremendous.

Please note this is not medical advice or instruction. This blog post and my videos are for educational and entertainment only. For medical related guidance, please content a medical professional. The links above area affiliate links. You get a discount and I get a small commission. Thanks you for supporting my content. I truly appreciate it! xo

Fabulously Affordable Microneedling Skin Boosters

I’ve said this before, and I completely stand behind it! If I could only have one skincare device for the rest of my life, it would be my Dr Pen M8. Microneedling is such a safe, easy, and effective way to rejuvenate the skin. The benefits include collagen induction, improvement of fine lines and wrinkles, skin surface exfoliation, increased skin elasticity, increased radiance, and improvement of hyperpigmentation.

An ideal frequency for Microneedling is one treatment per month, but this can be customized to suit your lifestyle. Shallower microneedling can be done more often, where deeper microneedling needs more recovery time in between treatments. I like a depth of .5 to 1.5, however this is a personal preference. Weather cosmetic depth microneedling (shallow), or medical depth (deeper), results can be seen after the first treatment and are more obvious over time with consistency. Super smooth glowing skin….. here we come!

Here are my top 8 affordable skin boosters for Microneedling!!

Cod De Baha Pure HA Serum $8.45

The Cos De Baha Pure Hyaluronic Acid is an extremely cost effect hyarluronic acid that is needle safe. This serum is great for those on a budget who want a simple serum to add slip to their microneedling. There’s nothing fancy about this HA Serum, but it will infuse the skin with short lasting hyaluronic acid to give the skin some hydration and help to smooth fine lines and wrinkles. Remember, that the needling alone will help improve collagen, tighten the skin, improve hyperpigmentation, and add glow. The skin boosters used take the microneedling to the next level infusing the skin with ingredients that tackle many of our skincare and aging concerns.

Lanbelle EGF Ultra Lifting Ampoule $50.32 – Discount code STACY10

EGF stimulates cells in the skin called fibroblasts, which produce collagen and elastin. The production of collagen slows as we age; the addition of EGF to any microneedling formula provides improved elasticity and skin tightening. EGF also improved skin vibrancy and smooths fine lines and wrinkles. This serum can be used for both Microneedling and as a topical skincare serum.

Easy Dew Re-Derma Master Ampoule $35.50 – Discount code STACY10

Easy Dew Re-Derma is an excellent option for a budget skin booster. I used this product a few years ago and was blown away at how much glow it gave my skin. This can be used for microneedling or as a topical skincare serum. It’s nearly impossible to find a good quality EGF at this price!! Just a reminder, when trying new things on your skin; always do a patch test.

Hyaron Hyaluronic Acid – 10 vials $88 – Discount code STACY10

Hyaron is a staple in my treatment arsenal; it’s a high quality, injectable grade, non-cross linked hyaluronic acid that can be used for Microneedling, Serial Mesotherapy, and the BAP technique. It mixes well with any other skin booster to make an impressive microneedling coctail. You can’t beat the coost per ounce of Hyaron, this is a truly incredible value!!

Metoo Healer PN $45 – Discount code STACY10

This product would be an alternative to the much more expensive Rejuran Healer PN, which is $265. At a fraction of the price, this PDRN product provides skin healing and rejuvenation on a cellular level. This formula also contains hyaluronic acid to help plump the skin, smooth fine lines and wrinkles, and give an overall glow to the skin.

HyalDew Shine $40 – Discount code STACY10

HyalDew Shine is a slightly crossed linked hyaluronic acid skin booster that is incredible for microneedling. Because there is slight cross linking in the formula, the benefits of this booster will stay in the skin longer than a non-crossed linked skin booster. This product will provide deep hydration to the skin, smooth fine lines and wrinkles, improve skin texture and elasticity. Pair this with the Metoo PDRN and you have a fantastic powerhouse of a Microneedling coctail.

Miracle L $68 – Discount code STACY10

Miracle L is composed of high quality PCL. The advantage of PCL it’s biocompatibility and higher hydrolysability in the human body. PCL is long lasting in the skin compared to hyaluronic acid, which the body naturally breaks down pretty quickly. PCL will boost collagen, improve fine lines and wrinkles, firmness, elasticity and hydration in the skin. This product is appropriate for Microneedling and serial mesotherapy, however I would only do the BAP technique with a product that comes in a sterile syringe. Miracle L is often compared to the much more expensive PCL called Gouri.

Velatox $90 – Discount code STACY10

Velatox Skin booster is not at all a “tox” as the name may convey. This product contains 11 cell growth factors, antioxidants, and vitamins to nurture the skin, repair cellular damage, and boost collagen. The results of microneedling Velatox are improvement of fine lines and wrinkles, healthier feeling skin, and improved glow and hydration. I also noticed improved elasticity.

Hanheal Exosomes $120 – Discount code STACY10

At the higher end of the boosters in this list, I had to include Hanheal Exosomes. There are 10 vials in this kit. 5 ampoules are liquid and 5 are powder ampoules. Each treatment requires adding one liquid ampoule to a powder ampoule resulting in 5 full treatments. Exosome boosters have become incredibly popular. Exosomes improve the signaling between cells increasing cell proliferation. This promotes healing of damaged cells. Exosomes are messengers that transmit regeneration related signals to various tissues in our body. Exosomes can increase collagen in the treated areas by 6x and boost elastins by 300%.

Let’s get microneedling!

Please note that a patch test is recomment any time a new skincare product is introduced to the skin. Some links in this blog post are affiliates. Thank you so much for supporting my content. This post is not medical advice or instruction. All skincare treatments have risks. Please do through research prior to microneedling.

Growth Factors & Vitamin Microneedling – Sappire S Tox

With so many skin boosters and beauty products on the market, it’s difficult to know which ones to choose, and where you’ll get the most bang for your buck. I test many and I always love boosters that infuse the skin with growth factors for their regenerative properties.

Microneedling in and of itself, regardless of booster product used, yields wonderful results for the skin. With consistency, and the use of quality boosters, microneedling is impressively rejuvenating.

In this video you’ll learn more about Sappire S Tox and the HydraPen. This treatment can certainly be done with any microneedling pen you already have at home. The Hydrapen is available at – Discount code STACY10.


Discount Code: STACY15

Product: Sappire S Tox

The links in this video are affiliate shopping links. Thank you for your support of Gorgeously Aging. xo Please note that this is not medical or advice or instruction.

Skin Tightening that Works

Loose skin that lacks elasticity is an unfortunate part of aging, but there are ways to prevent skin laxity and tighten sagging skin. This video will go into more detail about the modalities I use for skin tightening that have been the most successful.

My favorite threads for skin tightening are these PDO mono threads in 29g 25mm length from (Code STACY10) for 10% off site wide.

The Boost LED Mask is another tried and true anti-aging device backed by science. When used regularly this device delivers results.

For Radio Frequency I’ve moved to using the MLAY Professional RF Device. It’s a bit more robust than the previous RF devices I’ve used, but it definitely seems more powerful.

Another great option for improve skin tone, texture and elasticity is regular microneedling. I use the Dr. Pen M8, which I love.

Have you used any of these devices or modalities to improve your skin? Let me know what has (or hasn’t) worked for you!

Links are affiliates.

Microneedling | PDRN | Regenovue Aqua Shine | Growth Factor

Montly microneedling has been part of my anti aging routine for a few years now. In this live video I’ll use Elaxen PDRN, Regenovue Aqua Shine, Sappire S-Tox, and Miracle Touch BR to address fine lines and wrinkles, hydration, collagen induction, healing, and cellular turnover for improved elasticity, radiance, and a more even complexion.

Microneeding is extremely versatile. You can use a simple and cost effective cocktail of Cos de Baha hyaluronic acid, or get more creative using several skin boosters to address your needs. A word of caution, not all hyaluronic acid serums are appropriate for needling. The Cos de Baha is needle safe.

10.5% Topical Lidocaine- (Discount code STACY10)

Elaxen PDRN – (Discount Code STACY10)

Miracle Touch BR – (Discount Code STACY10)

Regenovue Aqua Shine- (Discount Code STACY10)

Sappire S-Tox – (Discount code STACY10)

Dr. Pen M8

Red Led Unit

Avene Cicalfate+ Restorative Cream

In this video, the feed cuts out for a moment, but comes back. Sorry for the interruption.

Microneedling with Syniro PDRN

PDRN skin treatments are a type of skin injectable, comprising biological molecules called Polydeoxyribonucleotide (PDRN), that helps to reverse signs of aging and scars through promoting skin repair. Although it’s theoretically more effective as a Mesotherapy treatment it can also be effective when used with Microneedling.

PDRN is a naturally-occurring building block in your DNA that helps to repair damaged skin cells and stimulate collagen production. I personally find PDRN to have incredible benefits on my aging skin including improved radiance, tone and texture of the skin.

Microneedling regularly, regardless of the skin booster used, is a treatment worth considering for it’s rejuvenating benefits. Have you tried PDRN? Let me know your thoughts in the comments. 🙂

You can find Syniro PDRN at – The discount code STACY10 can be used for 10% off site wide.

My favorite Microneedling tool is the Dr. Pen M8 which pays for itself in one at home treatment.

Most links on this website are affiliates. Thank you for the support! 💕

Microneedling | Miracle H

Some would say that Miracle H is strictly a Mesotherapy product, but I can vouch from personal use that it definitely has some noticeable benefits when used with Microneedling including improved hydration, firmness, elasticity and overall luminosity of the skin. Fine lines were less visible with an overall smoothness.

This video will provide more information. If you’re new to Microneedling, I highly recommend regular microneedling as a way to improve skin tone, texture and increase collagen production.

Miracle H is available at Use code STACY10 for 10% off site wide.

Most of the links on this website are affiliate links, which means I get a very small commission on ay products you purchase, which helps me to continue creating this type of content. Thank you for your support of Gorgeously Aging.

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