One of the best things I do for my skin is dermaplaning, a fancy way of shaving and exfoliating the face. When I tell people that this simple thing will change their skin, they usually express fear of getting a beard. Unless you have an over abundance of testosterone, dermaplaning or shaving the face with a razor will not increase the amount of hair on the face or encourage hair growth. The disposable scalpel I use ensures a sterile tool each time. You can check that out here.
This video will give you some helpful tips. If you’re not comfortable using a scalpel, using a good face razor is something I still use periodically when I want to quickly shave and exfoliate my face.
Benefits of dermaplaning include:
- Immediate results. Dermaplaning will immediately exfoliate and smooth the skin, leaving it more radiant.
- Skincare products absorb more effectively. Exfoliation and the removal of fine hair allows for improved penatration of active skincare products.
- Lessens the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
- Triggers regeneration of skin cells.
- Low Risk – Dermaplaning is an easy, yet impactful way to rejuvenate the skin.
The bottom line
Although there are many benefits to dermaplaning, there are also some things to look out for. Dermatologists do not recommend this procedure for patients with cystic acne, those with excessively oily skin, or people with hirsutism or excessive hair growth.
Do you dermaplane or shave your face? Let us know your favorite tools , tips, and techniques in the comments below.