Fat Dissolving Series – New Protocol – Week 1

by | Feb 25, 2022 | Blog, Fat Dissolving

This fat dissolving series will feature the use of Liporase as a booster prior to injecting the actual fat dissolving product. Hyaluronadaise, most commonly known as a filler dissolver, is also useful in boosting fat dissolving efficacy.

Vendor: Acecosm.com

Discount Code: STACY10

Products used: Liporase, Kabelline, Dr. Lipo V, Topical Lidocaine (Pink Tub)


Week 1 – 2ml Liporase followed by 5ml of Kabelline in the submental fat area and the jawline (see video)

Week 2 – 5m of Dr. Lipo V in submental fat and Jawline area (video coming next week)

Week 3 – Repeat week 1

Week 4 – Repeat week 2

This video is not medical advice or instruction. Please use it as a jumping off point for your own research.

This blog post contains affiliate links. Thank you for your support of Gorgeously Aging. xoxo Stacy


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