The alarm clock goes off at 7 a.m., you hit the off button on your phone, and climb out of a warm bed. Sleepily you head to the bathroom and turn on the shower to warm up before hopping in. You never expect to find yourself feeling older than you did the month before. The years slip by too fast. ( Find filler video link below)
Then you glance in the mirror and see someone you don’t recognize. My Mother told me this would happen some day, but I didn’t think that day would come so soon. Granted most people have bedhead when they emerge from a sound night’s sleep but you’re noticing something more than messy hair. Your face is looking more tired and lined. There are crow’s feet around your eyes and your jowls are looking a little saggy. Even your cheeks seem deflated, much more so than last month. When did this happen?
Yes, mid-face volume is something we lose as we get older; but it’s not something we have to accept with age. Chances are strong, it’s not your imagination that you’re noticing these changes. The fact is we’re getting older, and these things happen to everyone, even those with great genetics and loads of money to spend at the med spa.
Here’s the thing, we can treat this; nobody says we have to settle for looking out age. Growing old gracefully doesn’t mean surrendering to the aging process. You’re only as old as you feel and at this stage of the game, you deserve to feel good about yourself.
Over the past few years I’ve decided to focus on the study of facial rejuvenation until I felt comfortable doing my own cheek filler at home. Filler is one of the more dangerous facial rejuvenation procedures; you are always in the best hands with a trained medical professional. Having said that, I found cheek filler to be remarkably easy. One of the resources I found most valuable in my studies was this Dermal Filler Procedures book.
My preferred dermal filler for cheeks is Tesoro Sub Q from – Discount Code STACY10 for 10% off site wide.
Getting Cheeky Again
If you are interested in plumping up your cheeks, cheek fillers can increase the volume above and around your cheekbones, which in turn lifts the lower face. It’s always best to have a consultation to get more information; if you’ve never had filler before always have it done by a medical professional before embarking on a DIY journey.
Why Cheeks Sag
Cheeks sag (like a lot of other body parts) according to the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery website when facial tissues start becoming thinner as we age. You’ll see increased lines around the nose and mouth, and cheeks making you appear hollower.
Fortunately, facial rejuvenation treatments such as fillers, Threads, and mesotherapy are wonderful for replacing lost volume in cheeks, refine wrinkles, plump thinning lips, and bring back a youthful appearance.
What Are Dermal Fillers
Dermal fillers are gel-like cross linked hyaluronic acid that are injected beneath the skin to smooth out deep lines, soften creases, rejuvenate aging lips, or enhance facial contours like sunken cheeks or temples. While Hyaluronic acid may sound scary and scientific it is already naturally occurring in the body and mimics how collagen settles underneath your skin. Filler also aids in collagen production, producing a longer-lasting result improving over time. Because fillers offer almost instant results, they are more popular than ever for men and women wishing to slow the aging process.
Fast Results, Long-lasting
Depending on each person — as well as the type of filler used — results may last anywhere between six months and 2 years or even longer.
These are minimally invasive procedures — meaning you don’t have to go under the knife. Dermal fillers for cheeks can be injected in a medical office during your lunch hour if you work. You can return to the office after the short procedure, and nobody will notice.
Sure, there may be some side effects like redness, itching, bruising, and a bit of swelling but that’s about it. In rare cases, there may be an allergic reaction.
Simply stated: dermal filler injections are an easy, 1-2-3 procedure that will have you looking years younger in no time.
Expense and Choose a Professional
More cost-effective than going in for a full facelift, costs for dermal filler depending on the brand, the number of injections needed, etc., costs can range between a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars in a Med Spa with the average cost of filler being over $1000 per visit. For the experienced DIYer high quality filler can be purchased from a trusted vendor. I recommend – Code STACY10 for discount.
Please always keep in mind that you are in the best hands with a trained medical professional. If you are not thoroughly researched and have a good understanding of safety, sanitation, or facial anatomy serious complications such a vascular occlusion and tissue necrosis are possible. Administering non-surgical dermal fillers is a medical procedure and requires specific training, knowledge, and expert skillset to give you the best and most natural-looking results.
Begin by doing your research by reading as much as you can about dermal filler, studying the text book listed above, watch as many videos on youtube published and other at home DIYers. Take notes and learn as much as possible. This is not something to rush into without study.

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