I’m guilty! I constantly overlook my hands and arms when it comes to treating the signs of aging. Total neglect! In the aesthetics and beauty industry, many of us joke that while our faces may look younger from all the attention and care, our hands are a dead giveaway of our age. I know this is true in my case. (TCA Video below)
I do hastily use skincare and sunscreen on my hands as an afterthought, but I giving them a fraction of the attention my face and neck get. The same is true for my chest. I vow to stop neglecting my chest, neck & hands. They deserve some love, too.
The products used in this video area from PlatinumSkinCare.com, which is an incredible company that offers tons of additional education on their website. Everything you ever wanted to know about acids and peels can be found there. Kudos to Platinum Skin Care for doing a fantastic job educating. – Discount code STACY10 gets you 10% off site wide at PlatinumSkinCare.com,
Products used for this TCA Peel
70% alcohol – used to prep the skin after double cleansing
10.5% topical lidocaine to numb the treated area for 20 minutes prior to TCA peel. This can be fond at Acecosm.com – Discount STACY10 also works with Acecosm for a 10% discount site wide.
Peel Prep Solution from PlatinumSkinCare.com to get the skin to an optimal PH for the TCA peel.
13% TCA from PlatinumSkinCare.com – This is applied in layers. Saturate a gauze pad, ensure it’s not dripping, apply in a single layer to the treatment area, and allow five minutes before moving on to a second layer. I did two layer in this treatment, but will progress to three or four layers, working my way up to the maximum five layers per treatment. Always wait five minutes between layers. It’s important to start at the 13% solution before working up to the higher strength TCA. The TCA may cause blanching or frosting as it coagulates proteins in the skin. Not everyone will experience frosting, so don’t worry if you don’t frost. (See video for more information)
Post Peel Neutralizer also from PlatinumSkinCare.com is applied with a gauze pad directly on top of the TCA when it’s ready to neutralize. Follow this with a thorough water rinse, then pat dry.
After drying I added the Vitamin A Dream Peel to infuse the skin with the enormous anti aging benefits of vitamin A as well as encourage faster peeling. The Overnight Dream Peel can be used alone, or in addition to the TCA Peel as I’ve done in this video.
If you are of darker skin tone, a 4-6 on the fitzpatrick scale, you should pre treat with a pigment inhibitor prior for two weeks prior to doing a TCA Peel. Fade bright can be used on all skin types and colors four days after a peel to improve brightening and treatment of hyperpigmentation.
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