Although do-it-yourself botox, fillers and threads seem to be a somewhat new trend on social media and YouTube, the DIY facial rejuvenation community has been around for many decades, and will continue to thrive in spite of efforts of those who feel threatened by men and women making the choice to educate themselves and be empowered to take on their own facial rejuvenation treatments at home. In all areas of services we might need or want in our lives, some of us feel most comfortable paying for a professional, and some of us are passionate DIYers that enjoy the learning journey as much as the reward of doing something that seems difficult ourselves. That choice should always be up to the individual based on their comfort level, risk tolerance, and willingness to learn. Quite frankly, I’ve always found that if I want something done right, I do it myself. This is also true of my experience with Botox in med spas which have left me with droopy lids, and Spock brow numerous times. It was through dedicated study that I was able to treat myself without those negative side effects that I had paid a premium for in a med spa facility. (Find video below)

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Is this irresponsible? Dangerous? Foolish? A bad example? The DIY community is flooded with intelligent and capable men and women who have taken on learning these treatments with the passion of a med student! The community is also filled with haters, keyboard warriors, trolls, and medical professionals that feel threatened by what DIYers are discovering. With dedicated study, botox, fillers, threads, and facial rejuvenation is really quite easy. Yes, there are dangers, especially with filler! Those dangers can not be overlooked and must be understood. However, nobody is beyond learning! The large issue here isn’t public safety. It’s greed, ego, and the potential loss of profit by medical professionals. If they were really honest being truthful with themselves they’d realize that this has nothing to do with intelligent middle aged person taking their aging concerns into their own hands, and everything to do with money. The DIY community is dulling the gleam and superiority complex of the medical community and that’s infuriating to them. Can you imagine plumbers going bananas because someone installs their own toilet? Or a contractor losing their marbles because someone builds their own house? Imagine if you couldn’t buy building supplies at Home Depot without being a licensed contractor, or buy auto parts without being a certified mechanic, or not being able to buy electrical supplies without being a licensed electrician!! But Aestheticians, Nurses, and Doctors in the facial rejuvenation business go insane over people being able to take care of their own skincare and facial rejuvenation needs. It’s absolutely nuts! As an intelligent woman, I have the right to research and do what I want to my own face and body. It’s not illegal and it’s not wrong! What is illegal is passing yourself off as a medical professional or treating other people. You can do what you whatever you want to your face! Just always realize that you assume that risk! The time and study you put into it on the front end makes all the difference in the outcome, success, and safety.
If you’re a medial professional reading this. Really think about why you have an issue with me, or anyone, doing their own facial treatments. What is the true WHY behind your objection. It’s an incredibly small segment of the population that is willing to go the DIY route. It will have no true impact on you, however for the well studied DIYer who could not afford your overpriced services, this will make a tremendous difference in the way they feel about themselves as they age.
Hugs & Love,